The highs and lows of teaching: From making a difference, building great relationships and shaping the future, to homework, reports and helicopter parents.

A teacher’s reflection on 6 months of blogging…

13,000 words later and I feel like I’ll never get sick of posting. Over the past 6 months I’ve had the joy of having some good chats with fellow educators like the experienced, very enthusiastic and full-of-ideas Norah Colvin, to new teachers such as the very switched-on and similarly enthusiastic Cultivating Questioners, as well as blogs such as ijstock and Cognition Education. Let’s admit it, every blogger loves to get comments! When a comment comes through from people of the same wavelength as you, it’s always exciting, isn’t it!

More than a chance to network, hear from other people that are passionate about education (teachers and parents alike) and learn new things, blogging is a great chance to just hammer your thoughts out on a keyboard, send them into cyberspace and get things off your chest. Particularly when you work in a profession which is constantly evolving, and which there seems as though there’ll never be a manual on ‘how to teach’. Therefore, all schools do things differently and of course, you’re never going to agree with everything that goes on within your school and system. It’s always nice to hear you’re not the only one!

I started this blog to share My 2 Cents on a range of education-related topics. Long story short, one of my rabbits was sick, and after consulting ‘Dr Google’, I discovered that hardly any professionals post useful advice relating to their profession online. I felt, as a teacher, that I could easily write about what I do, and that it might help a parent, a teacher, anyone. Thus began, “A teacher’s take…”

A summary of my posts:
A teacher’s take on getting your kids to school on time… And why it’s the least you can do…
A teacher’s take on why schools should scrap ‘grades’, and give kids real ‘feedback’…
A teacher’s take on rethinking education…
Ken Robinson’s take on how we should be viewing education…
Ken Robinson’s take on schools, and how they kill creativity…
A teacher’s take on letting kids play…
A teacher’s take on positive teacher-student relationships…
A teacher’s take on student reports… And why they’re a waste of my time!
A teacher’s take on homework…
An Australian teacher’s take on America’s Common Core…
A teacher’s take on parent-teacher relationships…
A teacher’s take on respecting teachers, pt2…
A teacher’s take on respecting teachers, pt1…
A teacher’s take on earning respect from students…
A teacher’s take on positive thoughts and how kids let negative thoughts consume them…
A teacher’s take on independence and helicopter parents…
A teacher’s take on the jargon of explicit teaching…
A teacher’s take on “How Children Learn”…
A teacher’s take on self-help and parenting advice…
A teacher’s take on blogs…

Teachling <WordPress> < Twitter>

5 thoughts on “The highs and lows of teaching: From making a difference, building great relationships and shaping the future, to homework, reports and helicopter parents.

  1. Congratulations on your 6 months of blogging! You and I share the same milestone! Thank you so much for the generous comments and recommendation. As you say, it is wonderful to connect with others of similar thinking. It can often feel very lonely in a school where others have different ideas. A little while ago I reblogged your first Ken Robinson article as it impressed me so much. I have been waiting for the opportunity to do the same with your second article, and that will occur in the next couple of weeks.
    Keep on blogging. You have wonderful ideas to share and I always look forward to reading your posts.

  2. Congratulations on your first six months – you must have started pretty much when I did! So congratulations to US!!! Good to hear your take on things from Oz. Reminds us we are not alone!

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